Thu, 5th April 2018

Stroud Conclave No 360 – Enthronement

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Wednesday 5th April 2018 was the Enthronement meeting of Stroud Conclave, when Rt Ill Kt John Tristram, Intendant-General, was pleased to be present to see P Kt John Thornton enthrone Em Kt Raymond Vale as Puissant Sovereign and Geoffrey Watkins Consecrated as Viceroy.

The Intendant General was accompanied by Very Ill Kt Dennis Roberts, Divisional Marshal, who is also the Conclave Marshal, Puissant Knights Chris Farrer, Divisional Senior General, Les Dance, Divisional Chamberlain and Ken Starr, Most Puissant Sovereign of Forum Conclave. Ill Kt John Gillo, (who is PGM for Gloucs & Hereford Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons) acted as Prelate for the evening.

The meeting was followed by a traditional Forest of Dean festive board, the whole proceeding being conducted in perfect harmony

Tue, 3rd April 2018

Tewkesbury Conclave

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On Tuesday 3rd April 2018 the Intendant-General was pleased to attend a meeting of Tewkesbury Conclave, accompanied by a good number of Divisional Officers. The Conclave was also honoured by the presence of Rt Ill Kt Roland J. Bedford KCC, Past Intendant-General for Surrey.

The Conclave Officers rehearsed the ceremony of Installing a Knight-Companion, an event which proved to be most enlightening and emphasised the importance of rehearsing and practicing the ceremonial. The rehearsal also showed that is essential for everyone, particularly those who are due to take the Chair, to use the current version of the Ritual. Everyone agreed that it a most enjoyable and thoroughly beneficial exercise, which was followed by an excellent festive board

Wed, 28th March 2018

St Oswald’s Conclave No 278 Enthronement

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On the 28th March 2018, Eminent Knight Mark Wainwright, our Deputy Captain of the Divisional Sepulchure Guard, was Enthroned as Sovereign of St Oswald Conclave No 278, Worcester, in a most sincere and accomplished manner by Puissant Knight Graham Perkins.

Mark consecrated Worthy Knight Charles Dyer as Viceroy, after which he appointed and invested the Officers of the conclave.

The evening was well attended with the Right Illustrious Knight John Tristram, Intendant-General and Illustrious Knight Jim Mulligan, Deputy Intendant-General, accompanied by Puissant Knight Geoff Watkins Divisional Recorder, a number of Divisional Officers present to support the Conclave. In honour of Mark’s position as Deputy Captain, a contingent of the Divisional Sepulchure Guard, under the direction of the Captain, Worthy Knight Martin Preece also attended the meeting.

The Conclave was also honoured to have Right Illustrious Knight Colin Young, Past Intendant-General and Very Illustrious Knight Ian Thorpe, Past Deputy Intendant-General in attendance, St Oswald being their own Conclave. The Divisional Deputy Marshal, Illustrious Knight Keith Evans, who is also the Conclave Marshal, ensured that the ceremonial preceded smoothly. The meeting was followed by an excellent festive board, altogether a thoroughly enjoyable occasion.

Sat, 17th February 2018

Divisional Meeting at Kings Heath


On Saturday 17th February 2018, with 200 Worthy Knights present, the West Midlands Division hosted a very special event. The Grand Sovereign, Most Illustrious Knight Graham Leslie Flight GCC, accompanied by a team from Grand Imperial Conclave, attended the Annual Meeting of Divisional Conclave to Install the new Intendant-General, Rt Ill Kt John J Tristram. The Grand Sovereign performed the Installation ceremony in a warm and sincere manner, following which the Intendant-General Installed Ill Kt James F P Mulligan PGStdB (L) as Deputy Intendant-General.

The Grand Sovereign Then had the very pleasant task of presenting V Ill Kt N Desmond Jones with a Patent and special Breast Jewel to commemorate his 50 years of dedicated service to the Order. The Grand Sovereign was pleased to announce that, with immediate effect,t he was promoting Desmond to the rank of Past Junior Grand General.

Following a very pleasant lunch the Divisional Conclave resumed, during which the new Divisional Officers were appointed and invested. The Concave was closed in due form and the Worthy Knights retired, to reflect on a most enjoyable occasion.

The full list of Officers is shown under Divisional Officers on the website which also contains the Intendant-General’s Address to Divisional Conclave under IG Address 2018

Tue, 7th November 2017

V Ill Kt A (Tony) Bolus

The Funeral arrangements for V Ill Kt A (Tony) Bolus PG Junior General Past Deputy Intendant General are as follows

Telford Crematorium on Tuesday 21 November 2017 at 1pm

Wake at The Hundred House Hotel, Norton (Between Bridgnorth and Sutton Maddock) 

Thu, 6th April 2017

Old Swinford RC Installation

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Last night 6th April 2017 at Oldswinford Chapter Rose Croix, the Provincial Prior of the Province of Worcestershire in The Masonic and Military Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta, R Em Kt Stephen Wyer, was enthroned as Most Wise Sovereign by the Rt Ill Bro Colin Young, Intendant General of the West Midlands Division of the Masonic and Military order of the Red Cross of Constantine and the Orders of the Holy Sepulchre and of St John the Evangelist, in the presence of the Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the Rose Croix District of Worcestershire V Ill Bro Richard N Hoare 330

The Rulers of the three principal Christian Orders in Worcestershire, working harmoniously together as usual!

Tue, 5th July 2016

Birchen Coppice Appeal


The Worcestershire Masonic Orders meeting at Kidderminster collected £4350 with the generous help of Red Cross of Constantine, Grand Sovereign’s Care for Children Fund.

W Bro Martin Lawrence, Chairman Kidderminster Masonic Temple Association coordinated the appeal to meet the cost of running a six week holiday camp for children from Birchen Coppice School. Based on the Birchen Coppice Estate which is council home estate and has many problems. The estate has double the national average of poverty and deprivation, is ridden with anti-social behaviour, has alcohol and drug dependency problems. Many of the parents of the children who attend the school are illiterate. During school holidays many of the children are left to their own devices lose on the estate without food for the day.

Mrs Charlotte Jeynes the School Events & Fund raising organiser is passionate about the welfare of these children and is to organise a summer school so they can have a place to attend.

The School motto is “Reach for the Stars”and the holiday club is to be called “COSMOS”.

The purpose of this event and it is hoped to run such events for all school holidays is to maintain the social and emotional development of the children who are between 4 and 12 years of age, along with maintaining welfare for them and provide a cooked meal for up to 50 children per day. Many of the children receive little or no education from their parents and after a six week period off school the continuity of education has been lost and the teaching staff have to start back  from step one to get the child on the path of further education, this holiday camp will give the child access to continued education. Parents will also be able to attend to receive basic reading and writing skills  and introduction to computer skills  so they can have an understanding of what their children are aiming to achieve.

The Rising Stars Holiday Club will be open Monday to Friday from 10am to 3pm and in addition to maintaining their education, they will also be involved in activities to help build their esteem. They will maintain their own allotment and then sell the produce teaching them planning and business skills and be taken away from the estate on a trip to the seaside, as many of the children have never left the Estate not even into Kidderminster town centre.

Pictured left to right: R W Bro Robert Vaughan Prov Grand Master. Mrs Kay Butler Headmistress, W B Martin Lawrence Chairman KMTA, Mrs Charlotte Jeynes School Events and Fund Organiser, W B Colin Young PAsstPGM and Intendent General of the Red Cross of Constantine.