Fri, 20th April 2018

St Chad’s Conclave – Official Visit bi The Intendent General

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The meeting of St Chad Conclave, Stafford was an official Divisional Team visit, Right Illustrious Knight John Tristram, Intendant-General and Illustrious Knight Jim Mulligan, Deputy Intendant-General were accompanied by six Divisional Officers and four members of the Divisional Sepulchure Guard. The meeting was also supported by a number of visitors from other Conclaves in the Division and it was particularly pleasing to see V Ill Kt Michael Adams & Ill Kt Bill Watts in attendance, together with P Kt David Orme, Sovereign of St George Conclave

The team witnessed an excellent ceremony, which saw Illustrious Knight Richard Thompson enthroned as Sovereign of the Conclave and Eminent Knight Michael Sharples consecrated as Viceroy, The Marshal, Very Illustrious Knight David Leigh, ensured that the evening ran smoothly and everyone agreed that it had been a thoroughly enjoyable evening.