Sat, 1st December 2018

Rose of Sharon Conclave No 161 Centenary Meeting


On Saturday 1st December 2018 an audience of over 100 Worthy Knights assembled at Moseley Masonic Centre, Kings Heath to witness the Grand Sovereign, Most Illustrious Knight Graham Leslie Fight, G.C.C., present a Centenary Warrant to Rose of Sharon Conclave No 161, the Conclave having Consecrated on 11th July 1918.

The Grand Sovereign was accompanied by Right Ill Kt Neil Matthews KCC, Grand Marshal, V Ill Kt Raymond Smith, Grand Senior General, V Ill Kt Michael Spencer, Grand Junior General, Ill Kt Graham Redman, Grand Sword Bearer and Ill Kt Glyn Hewitt, Grand Standard Bearer (C). The Conclave was also pleased to welcome Most Illustrious Knight Richard V Wallis, G.C.C., Past Grand Sovereign and Rt Ill Kt Colin V Young, K.C.C., Past Intendant-General, for the West Midlands

Illustrious Knight Justin Parker, Grand Sub-Prelate gave an oration on the significance of the Rose of Sharon, after which Puissant Knight John Handley gave a history of the formation and development of the Conclave. P Kt John had taken on responsibility for organising the whole event and his efforts were very much appreciated by everyone.

The presentation was made to Puissant Knight Joseph Khalil-Marzouk, as Past Sovereign of the Conclave, who took the Chair owing to the unavoidable absence of P Kt Paul Whitefield the current MPS. The Grand Sovereign congratulated the Conclave on having achieved a remarkable milestone in the history of the Conclave.

Prior to the presentation of the Warrant, the Conclave was very pleased to Install a new Knight-Companion, Worthy Knight James Woodhall. The ceremony was conducted by P Kt Chris Hallam, the current MPS of the Richard Wallis Conclave No 520, the youngest Conclave in the Division, who Installed the new Knight-Companion in an exemplary manner. The Grand Sovereign was pleased to bestow the accolade on W Kt James, an event which will be remembered for a long time by everyone present.

The meeting was followed by an excellent Festive Board, at which P Kt Joseph Marzouk thank the Grand Sovereign for his attendance at the meeting and the honour shown to the Conclave by the granting of the Centenary Warrant

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