Thu, 5th April 2018

Stroud Conclave No 360 – Enthronement

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Wednesday 5th April 2018 was the Enthronement meeting of Stroud Conclave, when Rt Ill Kt John Tristram, Intendant-General, was pleased to be present to see P Kt John Thornton enthrone Em Kt Raymond Vale as Puissant Sovereign and Geoffrey Watkins Consecrated as Viceroy.

The Intendant General was accompanied by Very Ill Kt Dennis Roberts, Divisional Marshal, who is also the Conclave Marshal, Puissant Knights Chris Farrer, Divisional Senior General, Les Dance, Divisional Chamberlain and Ken Starr, Most Puissant Sovereign of Forum Conclave. Ill Kt John Gillo, (who is PGM for Gloucs & Hereford Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons) acted as Prelate for the evening.

The meeting was followed by a traditional Forest of Dean festive board, the whole proceeding being conducted in perfect harmony