Thu, 6th April 2017

Old Swinford RC Installation

Oldswinford RC Chapter Apl 2017.jpg

Last night 6th April 2017 at Oldswinford Chapter Rose Croix, the Provincial Prior of the Province of Worcestershire in The Masonic and Military Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta, R Em Kt Stephen Wyer, was enthroned as Most Wise Sovereign by the Rt Ill Bro Colin Young, Intendant General of the West Midlands Division of the Masonic and Military order of the Red Cross of Constantine and the Orders of the Holy Sepulchre and of St John the Evangelist, in the presence of the Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the Rose Croix District of Worcestershire V Ill Bro Richard N Hoare 330

The Rulers of the three principal Christian Orders in Worcestershire, working harmoniously together as usual!